My little brother, Gregory, came into town for Easter. I got to see him Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and tonight and yet I find myself feeling like I hardly got to spend time with him. It's funny growing up. Quality time seems to be few and far between.

James and I also got Nowhere Boy from Netflix and watched it tonight. It was really good and the boy who played John Lennon was so handsome. Way more handsome than John Lennon actually was. I'm not sure how accurate it was but it was still entertaining and surprising. James and I knew the actor who played John Lennon looked familiar and sure enough, he was in a movie we had recently seen in which he played an American kid who wanted to be a superhero. Thankfully, he is actually British.
Here is Aaron Johnson playing John Lennon in Nowhere Boy.
Here he is in Kick A.
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